About Me

My name is Michelle and I am a librarian with serious love for beauty products.

From an early age, I loved watching my mom get ready for an evening out with my dad. I would sit on their bed, mesmerized, as my lovely and elegant mom got ready, spritzed on perfume, gently applied mascara, and chose her jewelry. I think much of that, in some way, got passed down to me!

While growing up, performing in ballet recitals and figure skating shows and competitions, makeup was not necessarily a fun thing. It was something we (all us kids) did for performance, for the stage. The glitter, the sequins, the dark lipstick, the intense hairspray. (To this day, I have a low, low tolerance for hairspray. It makes me gag. But I digress.). It wasn't until later high school and early university that I really started to have fun with makeup and nail polish. It could be demure, it could be radical, or flirty, or sexy, the list went on. In my early thirties now, my love for cosmetics has expanded more into face products, moisturizers and that kettle of croissant, but makeup and nail products are still primary!

By day I am a children's librarian and absolutely adore what I do- it is an amazing profession- and I get to share that major passion and love of mine through Fabbity Fab Book Reviews. With Fabbity Fab Beauty Reviews, I want to talk about and share products I use, products I like...and go nuts trying some cool nail polish.
